We have good and sad news...the good news is that on April 7, 2013 two galgos and two podencos can now say they are U.S. citizens! Our Thanks to Galgo Connection Spain for all their work to rescue these four dogs, nurture them and prepare them for the next leg of their journey, that is to their new life in the U.S.  For Pongo, Cee Cee, Tula and Trece life has just begun. Grateful Greys Trio


Tula and Teri airport

 Then there is the other sad side of the story. The fourth galgo who was scheduled to come to Grateful Greyhounds, was named Tommy. A beautiful grey brindle boy who took ill two days before the transport, had emergency surgery and clung to life until yesterday, Monday. We are all heart broken for Tommy who had a wonderful life and family waiting for him. We thank Beatriz Elvira Ribas of Assoc. Protectora Argos, for her love and care during the last days of his struggle and our hearts go out to her and her friend Carmen who cared day and night for him. They did their best and Tommy knew it I am sure. He left this earth being held by angels on this earth. We know he went in peace..Tommy will never be forgotten.

Tommy and Beatriz

Now unfolds the third part of this story. One which no one knew would continue the circle of love that began with Tommy. His  illness and inability to come to the states, opened the door for another one in his place to come. The lucky boy was Trece the Podenco Ibicenco that had been waiting with no on interested in him for over 10 months! At a moments notice his life changed too. Rushed from his foster home to the shelter, then to the clinic to be processed for his journey the next day to the US..emails flying between U.S. GRIN adoption coordinators and Galgo Connection Spain made it happen! We were so happy but we did not know that Trece would also fill the heart of another set of adopters in New Mexico who had just lost their galgo named Wylie the very next day and would be Trece's new family.

Wylie RIP

Below is a the continuation of the story told by Judy Paulsen of Greyhound Companions of New Mexico.

In November, 2010, Greyhound Companions of New Mexico was contacted by a hunter who wanted to surrender a couple of galgos he’d had since they were puppies.  The female was extremely shy, and the male had a very unsteady gait.  According to the hunter, the male had a collision in the field while hunting and had been temporarily paralyzed a “few years ago”.  The dogs were being kept outdoors in a pen together and the man had already moved from the home, leaving the dogs for a few days before turning them over to GCNM.Because these two dogs were extremely bonded, we made a decision not to split them up, though trying to find a home with someone who would be willing to adopt two special needs dogs we knew would be a challenge.  They were fostered by Judy Paulsen and were doing well in adapting to being house dogs.  In December, Noreen and Berna decided to meet Cyd (the shy female) and Wylie (the wobbly male) – it was love at first sight.  They wanted to adopt them both.

Wylie’s condition continued to worsen in spite of consulting with several veterinarians, and using a combination of western and eastern medicine.  The neurological damage he had suffered was irreversible and progressive and he was slowly losing control of all four legs.

Most of all, Wylie and Cyd were given unconditional love and attention they never would have known had it not been for the fortuitous moment Noreen and Berna came into their lives.

Wylie’s condition deteriorated to the point where he was crying out in pain when he tried to move.  Noreen and Berna knew it was time to let him go.  On the evening of April 7, 2013, Wylie took his last breath  in their arms, at the hands of a compassionate veterinarian in a special room at the clinic, furnished to resemble a living room instead of the sterile surroundings of an exam room.  Cyd was there, too.

Wylie had two years and four months of paradise – far from the meager existence and neglect he experienced for the first 6 years of his life at the hands of a hunter, and living outdoors in a dirt pen. Cyd is very lonely, and Berna and Noreen feel an immense void left by Wylie.  The news that Trece, the Podenco, was suddenly included in a trip from Spain and would arrive soon in New Mexico seemed like serendipity.  Cyd, Noreen and Berna are awaiting the arrival of Trece, whose adoption will be a memorial to the many fond memories of Wylie, the Galgo

Trece new on grass ears up